"parfois, des oiseaux, un cheval, sauvent des ruines d' un amphithéâtre" (sometimes, birds, a horse, save a destroyed amphitheater), J.-L. Borges
"Les hommes ne se massacrent plus." (People don't slaughter each other anymore)
La belle et la bête
La belle et la bête
 Going on a little farther, he perceived it came from a palace illuminated from top to bottom.  Il marcha de ce côté-là et vit que cette lumière venait d’un grand palais, qui était tout illuminé.
 Beauty still insisted on setting out for the fine palace. (…) The horse took the direct road to the palace.    La Belle voulut absolument partir pour le beau palais. (…) Le cheval prit la route du palais.
 Beast was coming. Beauty was sadly terrified at his horrid form.      C’était la Bête. La Belle ne put s’empêcher de frémir en voyant cette horrible figure.
 Casting her eyes on a great looking glass, to her great amazement, she saw her own home (…) where her father had pined himself sick for the loss of her.    Quelle fut sa surprise, en jetant les yeux sur un grand miroir, d’y voir sa maison où (…) son
Le projecteur
Le tube de fond de teint
 Collage on paper -20x30 in (50,8 x 76,2 cm) - 2017 Property of Nathalie and Ian Colliety, New York
Le costume
Le vieux rideau
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